Carrot Top Chimichurri
Talk about using the whole vegetable! In spring, you can often find carrots with bright green tender carrot tops and they don’t have to go to waste. Before storing the carrots, cut off the greens and if you aren’t using them immediately, they will thrive in a small glass of water on your counter for a few days. When you decide to use them, rinse them and cut out the thicker stems and whip up this chimichurri. It’s delicious as a topping for meats, fish, pan-seared tofu, sandwiches or even in a grain bowl. It tastes like spring with a kick and we can’t stop putting it on just about everything.
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup packed carrot-top leaves
1/2 cup packed fresh flat-leafed parsley leaves
2 tablespoons packed fresh oregano leaves
1/4 cup Just Pomegranate Syrup
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
A pinch to taste of red pepper flakes
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Pulse all the ingredients in a food processor on low until fully chopped. Drizzle on meats, fish, pan-seared tofu, sandwiches or even in a grain bowl! Enjoy the taste of spring!
recipe by Caitlin Heinz