Crispy Shallot, Olive and Date Relish

Crispy Shallot, Olive and Date Relish

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This is a chunky relish that includes all the delicious saltiness, sweetness and fattiness that we love in a well rounded dish. We love this condiment atop just about any protein or vegetable. You can toss it with roasted broccoli or cauliflower - one of our favorite ways to dress up a vegetable! 


12 medjool dates, chopped
1 cup of shallots, sliced into rings
1 cup of Castelvetrano olives, chopped
2 tbsp avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
kosher salt to taste - probably just a pinch
In a nonstick skillet, add 2 tbsp avocado oil and heat over low-medium. Add shallots in a single layer. Let sit until starting to crackle and lightly brown. Stir often until golden brown and crispy. Pay attention, these burn quickly. Once golden brown and crispy, lay out onto a paper towel on a plate and drain. 
Gently mix chopped dates with olives. Slowly pour your 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and your 1 tbsp of molasses or syrup in. Add shallots last, barely mixing so the shallots stay crunchy. Taste, and add a pinch of salt if you need. Likely, you'll have enough saltiness from the olives. Top crispy salmon or chicken or roasted vegetables with this delicious condiment. 

by Sylvie Charles, MD