Superfood Dukkah Spice Blend

Superfood Dukkah Spice Blend

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Level up your foodie repertoire with our unique take on Dukkah, an Egyptian nut, seed, and spice blend. Sylvie's special recipe goes above and beyond by incorporating the goodness of extra superfoods, including hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, and date sugar. Elevate your dishes by sprinkling it on sautéed vegetables for a burst of flavor or when paired with olive oil-drizzled bread. Transform seared fish, roasted vegetables, or salads like our refreshing Fennel and Orange salad with the irresistible touch of this versatile blend. You may even find yourself nibbling on it in the kitchen as you're cooking. In our experience, this is perfectly normal behavior. 


1/4 cup pistachio nuts

3 tbsp black sesame seeds (white works too!)

2 tbsp whole coriander seeds

1.5 tbsp whole cumin seeds

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1.5 tsp salt

1.5 tsp Just Date Sugar



In a hot cast iron skillet, toast the coriander and cumin seeds until fragrant, shaking them or pushing them around to avoid burning. Pour them into a spice grinder. Next, toast the sesame seeds in the same skillet until they are fragrant, shaking or pushing them so as not to burn them. Pour them into the spice grinder. Tip: Don't toast these 3 ingredients together, since they toast at different times and you'll end up burning your sesame seeds.  


Next add the rest of the ingredients to the spice grinder except the hemp seeds. Pulse until they are a rough texture and fully blended. Stir in the hemp seeds last without pulsing to keep their texture. Adjust seasoning as needed. This also works with other nuts like hazelnuts or almonds. If you don't have a spice grinder, you can use a traditional mortar and pestle or a food processor but the texture will be finer.  

by Sylvie Charles, MD