Swaps 101

Swaps 101

General considerations when replacing sugar with date sugar

  • We do not recommend date sugar to be used in beverages. That's where our syrups shine! Due to the natural fiber from the whole dates, our date sugar tends to clump in beverages or create sediment. Our syrups do not contain the fiber, so they dissolve well into hot and cold beverages alike. 
  • Date sugar has more fiber, so acts like both a sugar and a flour. The fiber acts like a sponge soaking up moisture, so you will usually want to decrease flour to the recipe and/or add more moisture through additional liquids or eggs.

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Pancakes & Waffles

  • For every tablespoon of sugar replaced, decrease flour by one tablespoon



  • For every cup of sugar replaced, decrease flour by 30% and add one extra egg or egg substitute
  • Lower bake temperature by 25°F and check cake 10-15 minutes earlier than expected



  • For every cup of sugar replaced, decrease flour by 1/3rd cup, increase fat (e.g. butter, coconut oil) by 25%
  • Lower bake temperature by 25°F



  • For every cup of sugar replaced, decrease flour by 1/3rd cup, increase fat (e.g. butter, coconut oil) by 25%
  • Lower bake temperature by 25°F and check cookies 5 minutes earlier than suggested
  • Do not expect classic browning, the underside of the cookie will be lighter than usual. (but overall, the color of the cookie will be darker than if you used refined sugar.) Don’t over-bake otherwise they will get brittle.


Replacing chopped whole dates in a recipe

  • If you’re using date syrup, we recommend 1:1 and reducing the other liquids in the recipe by 25%. If you have the date sugar and the date syrup, you can go 1:1 in this ratio: 75% syrup / 25% sugar.


General considerations when replacing liquid sweeteners with date syrup

  • Date syrup acts like any liquid sweeteners and should not change your recipe. It is an excellent replacement for honey, maple syrup, agave, stevia or monk fruit syrup, simple syrup, and corn syrup or karo syrup. In fact, in many recipes we find it enhances the dish or bake with a wonderful deepening of flavor. 


General considerations when replacing sweeteners with pomegranate syrup

  • Like our date syrup, our pomegranate syrup acts like any liquid sweeteners in consistency. However, the flavor is a like tangy version of our date syrup. It can be a replacement for a high-quality balsamic reduction, paired with a fruit-forward tea, in a fruit salad to bring out the brightness, in a smoothie, in a salad dressing and much more!
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